Price Match Guarantee



Simply visit a Gold & Co. store and present a bona fide written purchase offer on a competitors letterhead or buy sheet for your qualified gold or silver (an “Offer”) dated within the past 3 days from a reputable retail store competitor and/or precious metals dealer having a retail location within 100 miles of the Gold & Co. store where the Offer is presented, mention our Price Match Guarantee, and we will purchase it for up to 110% of the Offer price; up to a maximum amount of $50.00 above the Offer. For example, if you present a bona fide written purchase Offer for $1000.00, we will purchase your qualified gold and silver for $1050.00. Price Match Guarantee not available for any offers made or presented by online or wholesale dealers, refiners or smelters. Coins, ingots and watches are not qualified items. Not valid on offers where the price being offered by a competitor is based on the value any diamond or gemstone imbedded within the precious metal or item being sold. We will match a competitor’s offer, if the offer is based on the weight and/or karat/carat of the gold or silver content within the item being sold and not based on the value of any diamond or gemstone. Price Match Guarantee cannot be combined with any other offer or pricing adjustment and is limited to a maximum of 6 transactions per household per calendar year. Client must accept or decline the Price Match Guarantee at the time of presenting the Offer to Gold & Co. Gold & Co. reserves the right to terminate the Price Match Guarantee and/or modify the policy terms and conditions at any time in its sole discretion. Void where prohibited by law.